
Archive for April, 2008

1)         Our Intercultural Team Project was due this day.  I worked with three other team members on introducing the business culture of Japan.  We had a great time working together.  All of us researched the topic and always came prepared to our meetings.  After the project was done, one of us had to sit and discuss it with others.  Miniru volunteered to discuss this project in front of the class.  There were other countries that were presented aside from Japan, i.e. Germany, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, India and France. I think all of the presenters did a great job in painting the business culture from these countries for all of us. 


2)         http://www.intercultural.org/

This is a private organization that teaches others how to effectively communicate with intercultural individuals.



            This is a journal of intercultural communication that talks about differences between cultures.



This is an online website that teaches the communication in Asian countries, which includes Japan.


3)         I have never had to do a presentation or write a paper on a different culture.  However, I do think that this was very beneficial to my job situation.  My responsibility is not only to work with Americans but also other nations when making decisions.  In my research process, I research companies throughout the world.  In order to suggest a good investment when researching, I have looking into companies that are headquartered in China, Japan, Germany, France, etc.  However, my interaction with different nations does not only come from researching companies, but also from talking to brokers.  Most of the brokers that we talk to are situated in New York or Chicago.  This is where a good part of the workforce is actually international.  I think this project will help me better understand the culture of the people, with whom I am working on a daily basis. 


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1)   During one of our last classes, we discussed what consensus means.  To have a consensus is to decide on issues without voting, but with expressing one’s opinion.  After we finished our discussion of what consensus is, we then had an exercise to fulfill.  We were given a scenario of an airplane crash in the Amazon rain forest.  After the crash we and another four people on our team had to decide what items to take with us.  We had to number the items according to importance, i.e. item number one was the most important one and item number fifteen was the least important one.  Our team had a very hard time negotiating and agreeing upon a consensus, due to strong opinions. 


2)   http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/consensus

This is a website that gives a definition of what consensus is.


This website teaches about the consensus.


This is a software that helps with group decision making.

3)   In my observations, I have come to a conclusion that having a consensus is very hard.  There are too many people ready to give their opinion without consideration of the other opinions.  I have to admit, that I myself can come across that way.  When I received my MBTI scores, I was very surprised to find out that the profile fit me well.  My personality is called “Extraverted Thinking with Sensing.”  This means that I follow logic and facts, but am not willing to put my emotions into action.  I have my own believes on how things should be done, and am not concerned with other people’s opinions.  I would be lying if I didn’t admit to these accusations.  I really am more of a factual and very objective person.  However good that may sound, my inability to include feeling on certain issues is something that I strive to get away from.  I do work hard by letting others speak their minds.  The organized and factual based personality is also visible at work.  This is where it is asked of me to defend my opinion.  I do this without hesitation.  However, I also do admit when I don’t know certain answers.  I certainly do not think that I have an answer for everything.   





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1)         A crisis is when an unexpected event occurs.  Furthermore, a crisis can be caused by humans (oil spills, genetic engineering, etc.) or it can be caused by nature (Katrina, tsunami, etc.).  A crisis always comes as a shock.  We were able to read about crisis in Chapter 10 of our book.  The book provided a few examples on crisis such as Tylenol scare caused by cyanide, Pellegrino mineral water scare caused by pesticide, etc.  The last part of this chapter explained a crisis with which Coca Cola was faced in India.  Coke was accused by a non-government organization for using contaminated water in their products.  We have watched a few short movies on how Coke and NSG have each represented their point of view on this matter.  One thing is for sure, India is a country that suffers from shortage of water.  Coke’s usage of water in India contributed to disliking of Coke’s products by Indian population.

2)                  http://www.indiaresource.org/campaigns/coke/index.html

This is a website made by India Resource Center that talks about the Coca Cola Co.



This is a website that gives some statistics on Coke’s usage of water in India and world wide.




This is a protester of Coke in India. 


3)         I cannot say that I have been involved in any kind of corporate crisis situation.  However, I have read a few crisis situations in the Wall Street Journal.  The first crisis that comes to my mind is Enron.  Enron was a company that had worked together with Arthur Andersen accounting firm on covering up certain costs and profits.  This was probably one of the most publicized crisis after the one of World Com.  Another crisis that comes to my mind, and it happened only recently, would be the sub-prime catastrophe in our markets.  Due to banks lending money to individuals, who otherwise could not afford mortgages, some banks had to write off billions of dollars.  One of the banks was Citigroup.  Due to incredible amount of write-offs, Citigroup’s reputation reflected itself in its stock price as it went down in less than a year from $50 to below $20.  




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1)         Ever since the beginning of the spring semester, we have been instructed to look into the importance of     communication.  We have been given examples by listening to videos, watching 60 Minutes, reading the Wall Street Journal and engaging in discussions, of how important organizational communication really is.  The truth is, organizational communication is not only important, but it is necessary for a business to succeed.  Without communication employees and managers do not see the achievement of same goals.  It is without communication that businesses tend to suffer from weak employee retention and production. 

 2) http://www.communicationstrat.com/news.asp?id=65

            This is a webpage posted by Communication Strategy Consultants, who work with companies on building their communication skills.


This is an article posted by Intranet Journal on the Evolution of Corporate Communication.

This is a poster developed to encourage corporate communication.  “Communication That Stands Out Wins The Game” really speaks for itself.  The following is the website from which this picture came:


3)         The idea behind this class was certainly to teach us the importance of corporate communication.  I am proud to say that I have learned a lot.  As someone who is employed full time, I fully agree that communication is of high importance.  I personally believe that the communication within my work environment is bad.  Our managers do not tend to verbalize goals on the corporate level as much as they should.  There is also animosity between different departments, due to the fact that people are not well informed of their responsibilities.  In the past, I thought that this kind of communication was everywhere the same.  But now I know that’s not the case.  I do believe that the managers for which I work would do better communicating if they would attend this class.



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1)             1)       Before I took this class, I was not sure what different communication technologies were available.  It took me a whole semester to understand and use different communication technologies.  In this class we have delivered written assignments, speeches, but after all we have used different venues of communication.  We have read our textbook, had discussions in class, had discussion groups online using the chat room, had discussions by posting our answers to questions in an email format, had used a blog to keep our information stored instead of a diary, and we have also worked in groups as well as individually.  The first presentation that was done in a group was very challenging, as we used power point slides with picture and no words. 


2)                  http://www.loa-cnr.it/Papers/EGOS-Cuel-Ferrario.pdf  

 This is a paper written by Roberta Cuel and Roberta Ferrario on technological changes in organizational communication.



This is another way to communicate with others.  This is a website for blog postings.  A great way to communicate and keep others updated!



This is an article on how communication has changed due to technological advances.


3)         I have enjoyed learning about new ways to communicate.  I have never used a blog as a ways of communicating.  But I do think that it was very helpful instead of a journal.  Furthermore, I do use email when communicating with others, but I do not tend to use chat rooms.  I do believe that chat rooms are also a good way of communicating with others.  In conclusion, because of this class I have bee able to learn new ways of communication as well as build my confidence using them. 




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1)      On March 27th, our regular class was held online.  We were asked to watch a video “From Tactical to Strategic: Refocusing the Internal Communication Function.”  This video presented the idea of communication professionals and what they mean now compared to what they meant in the past.  After watching the video, we were asked to answer three questions.  All of our answers had to be posted by March 31st.  The last part of our online activity involved answering an additional six questions by April 2nd.  This exercise helped us develop another way of communicating aside from sitting in class and answering questions.

2)      http://www.verbaljudo.org/

This is a website for a company that is involved in tactical communication


This is a company that is involved in strategic communication.


This is a website to online discussion etiquettes.  What one should or should not do while conversing online.

 3)         I have to be honest and say that I have not had much online experience.  Most of my job related work is dealt in the office or on the road.  The only exposure to online activities that I had was during my undergraduate degree at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  There were two courses that had an online assignment.  One of them was political science and the other one was biology.  However, none of these classes were involved online as much as the organizational communication course which I am currently taking.  In the past, most of the courses had either exams or quizzes online.  However, none of them had an extensive online discussion platform.  I really enjoyed learning about communication and changes throughout decades.  I have learned how communication has evolved from a simple form to a more complicated form.  Furthermore, I now understand that every company has to decide for themselves if they would like to use a tactical or strategic form of communication, or both.

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